ERTS (Emergency Reporting Telephone System) Phones
Emergency Reporting Telephone System (ERTS) phones provide a direct connection to the Emergency Communications Center and identifies the location from which you are calling to the answering communications officer.
Outdoor ERTS phones are yellow call boxes with a Blue light. Simply push the red button to connect with University of Richmond Police.
Operation ID
Operation ID is a theft prevention program that involves marking and/or engraving property which allows law enforcement to detect, identify, and return stolen or lost property to its rightful owner. To have your personal property marked, please email police@richmond.edu. You may also register your property by filling out and submitting this submitting this form.
Bike Registration
It is recommended that you register your bicycle with Parking and Transportation to ensure that we have the information on file in case your bicycle gets stolen or is collected at the end of the school year for resale. If your bicycle displays a permit, we will be able to contact you to confirm that you wish for your bike to be sold. Please complete the registration form to obtain a bicycle permit.
Women’s Self Defense Instruction
The Women’s Basic Self Defense class is a beginner-level course instructed by University of Richmond police officers. The two-hour class demonstrates physical techniques, including stances, strikes, kicks, and pressure points, as well as techniques to escape from wrist grabs, bear hugs, and chokeholds. The class is free for all University faculty, staff and students. For more information or to schedule a class, send an email to ajohnso3@richmond.edu or ablizzar@richmond.edu.
DUI Alcohol Awareness
The Police Department offers DUI/Alcohol awareness classes throughout the year. During these presentations, the officers allow students to drive through an obstacle course in a University golf cart while wearing Fatal Vision Goggles. Officers discuss the risks of driving under the influence and over-consumption of alcohol. Contact Officer Davan Guyton for more information at (804) 289-8715 or davan.guyton@richmond.edu.
Internships, the bar exam, study abroad, and student teaching sometimes require fingerprinting. The University of Richmond Police Department offers this service free of charge to all faculty, staff, and students. Fingerprinting is done Monday through Friday, from 9–11 a.m., and 1–3 p.m. at the Police Department. Call (804) 289-8715 with any questions.
Please complete this form to request fingerprinting.
Vehicle Safety Day
Once a semester, the University of Richmond Police Department conducts a vehicle safety day, when students, faculty, and staff can have a safety check of their vehicle conducted for free. The safety day usually includes free pizza, drinks, and coupons for area establishments. Watch for an announcement in SpiderBytes or contact Sgt. Craig Buchbinder at cbuchbin@richmond.edu for more information.
Motorist Assistant
The Department of Public Safety will assist stranded motorists who need a jump start or assistance with other broken-down vehicle issues. Call the communications center at (804) 289-8715 for assistance.
Event Staffing
The Police Department is frequently requested to staff events across campus. Police officers, security officers, and public safety auxiliary student workers are all available to fill a request. For more information or to request someone to work an event, contact either Major Alfred Johnson at ajohnso3@richmond.edu or Major Eric Beatty at ebeatty@richmond.edu.
CPR/First Aid
University of Richmond Police Department officers can provide CPR and First Aid training classes. These classes are provided to the entire University community and the general public. Contact Lt. John K Jacobs (804) 289-8724 or jjacobs@richmond.edu for more information.
Residence Hall Liaison
University of Richmond Police Officers are assigned to a residence hall in an effort to offer better service to students. Each officer meets with the residence hall’s resident assistant to explain the role of public safety and to answer any questions they may have. Throughout the year, officers are available for floor programs at the resident assistant’s request. For more information, send an email to Major Eric Beatty at ebeatty@richmond.edu to be connected to officer that is assigned to your residence hall.
Narcotic Identification, Detection, and Abuse
University Police can provide a presentation that identifies the most commonly abused narcotics and controlled substances. We highlight the most popular methods of obtaining and concealing these drugs and review the health risks associated with drug abuse. This program is available upon request and is normally presented in residence hall programs and/or other university social groups. For more information or to schedule a presentation, email police@richmond.edu.
New Employee Orientation
A University of Richmond Police Department officer assists with new employee orientation with a presentation on key information the new faculty or staff person needs to know about the department. For more information, contact the Detective Division at (804) 289-8715 or Major Alfred Johnson at ajohnso3@richmond.edu .
Educational Table
The Police Department will staff a table at your event to present information pertaining to safety issues, including DUI, pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, or crime prevention. For more information, or to request a police officer present at one of your events, contact Major Eric Beatty at ebeatty@richmond.edu.
Security Assessment
The University of Richmond Police Department offers security assessments from trained crime prevention specialists. These assessments cover locks, lighting, environmental design, cameras, and card access. For questions or to schedule an assessment, contact Lieutenant Aubrey Blizzard at (804) 289-8715 or ablizzar@richmond.edu.
Victim/Witness Assistance
The University of Richmond Police Department is committed to assisting all victims and witnesses. The Police Department will make a record of any reported crimes and provide services proscribed by the Virginia Crime Victim/Witness Bill of Rights. For information concerning victim/witness services, please contact Detective Angie Dubose at (804) 289-8543 or adubose@richmond.edu.
Campus Security Authorities
The Clery Act requires University of Richmond to provide an annual safety and security report. In addition to input from law enforcement, certain staff positions are designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSA) for the purpose of providing information for this report. CSAs are usually found in departments responsible for, but not limited to, student and campus activities, safety/security, discipline, housing, athletics, human resources or judicial proceedings. This designation also includes any individual who has been specified by University of Richmond to receive and report offenses. CSAs are responsible for reporting the number of crimes and incidents as described in the Clery Act. These numbers are then included in the federally mandated Clery Report, which is distributed every year in the beginning of October.
For information on Campus Security Authority training contact:
Public Safety Compliance Analyst
Nick Myers
(804) 289-8018