Sexual Violence

The University of Richmond values a learning community in which all members feel secure physically and intellectually. The prevention of sexual misconduct, particularly sexual violence, is an institutional priority. The University is unwavering in its commitment to support survivors of sexual assault, to respond promptly to reports of any type of sexual misconduct, and to investigate and adjudicate reports in a manner that is fair and equitable to all parties involved.

For information related to Title IX, resources available and any other type of information related to Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, Dating Violence and Domestic Violence please, visit the site for Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention.

The University of Richmond Police Department is the primary law enforcement agency to investigate criminal offenses that occur on campus. We are obligated to report certain information to the Title IX Coordinator. However, the criminal process is separate from a University Title IX process.

If you have general questions about the criminal justice process, please contact: Major Alfred Johnson,  (804) 289-8723,

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